- Jae-Hyun Yang, Selected Papers (2013. 11. 08).
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Selected Papers II.
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Geometry and Arithmetic on the Siegel–Jacobi Space, Geometry and Analysis on Manifolds: In Memory of Professor Shoshichi Kobayashi, T. Ochiai, A. Weinstein et al. (eds.), Progress in Mathematics, 308, Birkhäuser, International Publishing AG Switzerland, 275- 325 (2015).
MR3331402 - Jae-Hyun Yang, Kac-Moody algebras, the Monstrous Moonshine, Jacobi forms and infinite products, Number theory, geometry and related topics (Iksan City, 1995), 13–82, Pyungsan Inst. Math. Sci., Seoul, 1996.
MR1404967 arXiv:math/0612474v2 [참고링크 : Moonshine in nLab] - Jae-Hyun Yang, Heisenberg Groups, Theta Functions and the Weil Representation [ISBN : 978-89-6105-599-4] Kyung Moon Sa, 2012.
MR2963185 - Jae-Hyun Yang, Holomorphic Vector Bundles over Complex Tori, J. Korean Math. Soc. 26, NO.1, 117-142, 1989.
MR1005874 - Jae-Hyun Yang, Polarized Real Tori, J. Korean Math. Soc. 52, NO.2, 269-331, 2015.
MR3318369 - Jae-Hyun Yang, The Method of Orbits for Real Lie Groups, KYUNGPOOK Math J. 42, 199-272, 2002.
MR1942190 - Jae-Hyun Yang, 나의 수학 이야기 [1] (E-book), e퍼플, 2021.
- Jae-Hyun Yang, 나의 수학 이야기 [2] (E-book), e퍼플, 2021.
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Langlands Functoriality Conjecture, KYUNGPOOK Math J. 49(2), 355-387, 2009.
MR2554892 arXiv:0808.0917 [math.NT] [참고링크 : Langlands functoriality in nLab] - Jae-Hyun Yang, Survey of the Arithmetic and Geometric Approach to the Schottky Problem, KYUNGPOOK Math J.63(4), 647-707, 2023.
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Stable automorphic forms for the general linear group, J. Korean Math. Soc. 61, NO.1, 65-90, 2024.
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Problems in the Geometry of the Siegel-Jacobi Space, KYUNGPOOK Math J.64(3), 407-416, 2024.
- Su Hu and Min-Soo Kim, Euler’s integral, multiple cosine function and zeta values, Forum Mathematicum, De Gruyter, 2024.
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Stable Schottky-Jacobi forms, MPIM Preprint Series 2018-17.
- Jae-Hyun Yang, A note on the Schottky problem, MPIM Preprint Series 2018-18.
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Stable Automorphic Forms for Semisimple Groups, 27 pages. arXiv:1706.07177.
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Derivatives of L-functions, 53 pages. arXiv:1910.05010.
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Remarks on Symplectic Geometry, 33 pages. arXiv:1910.05011.
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Academic activities (2018.10).
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Letters (2018.10).
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Geometry on the Siegel-Jacobi Space (2022.07).
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Heisenberg Groups, Theta Functions and the Schrödinger-Weil Representation (2022.07).
- Jae-Hyun Yang, 고(故) 김범식 교수를 추모하면서 (2024).
Essays on History
- Jae-Hyun Yang, 역사(歷史)에 관한 고찰(考察) (2020.06).
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Remark on History (2020.06).
- Jae-Hyun Yang, 강희제, 옹정제, 건륭제의 통치술 (강희, 옹정, 건륭의 강옹건 성세시대) (2020.08).
- Jae-Hyun Yang, 만청의 정세와 현재의 국제 정세 (2020.10).
- Jae-Hyun Yang, 쿠빌라이 세첸 카안 (2024).
- Jae-Hyun Yang, Pax Mongolica (2024).
대한민국 대학교수 방문단
대한민국 대학교수 방문단 (1992. 12. 25 (금) ~ 1993. 01. 04 (월))